Office Safety


Online Office Safety training course covering all the main health and safety risks.

Duration | 30 minutes

Office Safety elearning | This concise elearning course has been developed to provide office workers with clear information about health and safety in an office setting. While acknowledging that offices are considered low-risk environments compared to some workplaces, Office Safety covers the essential information that staff need to know, and offers reasonable, practical advice on the risks which they may be exposed to while at work.

A deliberately irreverent visual approach has been adopted to help hold the user’s attention throughout the course. Voiceover information is complemented by closed captions, which can be turned on or off at any point.

At the end of Office Safety, understanding is checked using a ten question multiple-choice quiz.

Fire Safety | Materials Handling | Risk Assessment


Office Safety


• reasons for managing safety and health at work

• employer and employee responsibilities

• arrangements for safety management

• common office hazards and control measures - includes fire safety, first aid, accident/incident reporting, manual handling, use of Display Screen Equipment (computer equipment) and electrical safety.

First Aid certificate